“Spring Forward”,  “Spring Into Action”, and  “Spring In Your Step” are just a few expressions that capture the Spirit of the Season now upon us…

Springtime is my Favorite time of year. As a Kid I can remember with Clarity the first Spring days of the season. After a long, cold, and dark Winter,  Spring is like a Reprieve when you’re a Youngster.

“Rebirth, Renewal, and Regrowth” are the themes of the Spring Season…As we transition from Winter to Summer, Springtime signifies a “New Beginning” in the Cycle of Nature…The Temperature begins to rise, the Plant World starts coming back to life, and there is an “Awakening” amongst all Living Things…

If there are Troubling Aspects to your life, Situations that are Uncomfortable or Painful, this is the Perfect time to Restart your Engines and Right your Life…

The “Darkness of Winter” in our Lives can be Replaced by the “Light of Spring” as the Seasons change…This is a natural cycle of the Plant and Animal World. All of Nature seems to understand this inexplicably, yet as People mired in our own “Darkness”, we simply see these words as “Metaphors” and “Cute Expressions” of language.

It’s  OUR Time my friends!!! The Calendar and the Seasons are Working in our Favor…Let’s Ride this Seasonal Momentum and take Charge of our Own Lives. No More Darkness, No More Cold or Lonely… Let’s All Move Into The Light of Spring and Be Renewed…

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2 Responses to “SPRINGTIME BABY!!!!”

  1. stan Says:

    great one ross,thanks for posting

  2. LINDA Says:


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